Who is your candidate?


As I promised to be a candidate for municipal elections over a year and a half ago I did not know so much about what it would be like. Now after a very different year, spring and even postponed elections, we are starting the three last weeks! Personally I wait for next Wednesday and will go and give my vote to myself. Isn’t it so convenient!

While we were living in Canada in the mid90’s we had a chance to vote in presidential elections in Toronto. That was an interesting experience and gave us a homely feeling as being able to influence decision making. If you’re reading my blog this week and are eligible to vote in our municipal elections, I hope you find a suitable candidate and have an opportunity to feel being part of Espoo. I have own experience on living with my family as well as studying abroad. I believe it gives me more perspective to understand you too.

I would love to serve you all for the following next four years in Espoo City Council. So here you are,  my three points to consider. Could I be your candidate?

Expert in Entrepreneurship 

I believe the foundation of the society is entrepreneurship.  We offer products and services for our citizens needs and possibly create jobs. From the money flow we collect tax revenue that the City can use wisely for our citizens various needs  Nowadays you can be an entrepreneur in different ways. Start yourself your own business, be a partner in a company,  work as light entrepreneur or for for someone else with intrapreneurs touch.  We have several associations in Finland who lobby for entrepreneurs such as Espoo Entrepreneurs Association. I used to work for a college organization in Helsinki and was able to meet and learn so much  about running a business. Did you know that almost 94 percent are sole entrepreneurs in Finland!

My expertise in entrepreneurship belongs to studies and experience, hands on! I have founded two companies, studied a Professional Degree in Entrepreneurship. I am a partner in a HR development company and I have worked almost 6 years in manager positions in Entrepreneur Associations. I truly believe all this experience is valuable in municipal politics and decision making.

Friend of Nature Exercise

Since I was a small child I have loved to walk, swim and wander around in Finnish nature.  During my life we have lived in several places and always kept weekly nature walks in our program. I feel it is so important we have great nature in Espoo – you can enjoy it everyday and if you are lucky  – almost from your own doorstep. I still remember with love great Canadian nature – maple forests in the fall, Lake Ontario’s beaches in summer and crispy winter like in Finland.

As a new decision maker I will  take care that we also have in the future clean nature of different kinds: sea, lakes and forests. I believe that nature is the best way to take care of our physical and mental health.  I hope that our children will get to enjoy nature regularly so that it becomes a habit that will give you joy and health when they are grownups. For this reason we have to take care of our valuable nature, together. This will join us over different parties. Politics is cooperation.

Voice of families with children and special needs

Anyone can face serious matters in life. A child can have problems in school or a disability since they were born. They need special help and lots of care by their individual needs. Our family has now 27 years of life and experience with a child that has Cerebral Palsy. There have been many obstacles to handle, and for sure will also be in the future.  Life goes on and needs change. I have seen how hard it is to cope with the system, apply for help, support and therapies.

I have learned a lot and especially how to be A Very Efficient Project Manager in this field along with being a mother and many other roles! All this has taught me how to build networks with various professionals in day care, school, health care system and currently how to cope with employment issues and how to move living independently. So many times have I searched for information, made statements of why my child needs something and filled applications. Also I have been a volunteer over 20 years and now worked almost 4 years as Executive Director in the national disability association. I believe I would be a good presenter of the voices of families who have a child with special needs. Human decision making.

You can read more about National Coalition Party Municipal Program here https://www.kokoomus.fi/in-a-coalition-municipality-the-heart-beats-on-the-right/?lang=sv
I believe first you have to make something to share, and only then can it be shared. An empty fridge will remain empty even if the door is opened from morning to evening.

Marju Silander
Candidate for municipal elections in Espoo